The SC conference series has traditionally been home to cutting-edge developments in high-performance networking (HPN), alongside those in high-performance computing, storage, and analytics. This workshop, the first of its kind, has the goal of highlighting the work of the experiments running over SCinet, SC’s dedicated high performance network. SCinet serves as the platform for exhibitors to demonstrate the advanced computing resources of their home institutions and elsewhere by supporting a wide variety of bandwidth-driven applications including supercomputing and cloud computing.
The INDIS 2014 workshop showcased both network research demonstrations and technical papers highlighting important developments in HPN. With participants from research, industry, and government, this workshop discussed topics related to network testbeds, emerging network hardware, protocols, and advanced network intensive scientific applications. The demo and paper panels focused on past innovative network research projects, describing research from a previous year’s demonstration such as the SC13 Network Research Exhibition or the SC12 SCinet Research Sandbox, or a planned demonstration from SC14. Some papers had the opportunity to be revised after the workshop for a possible article in the Future Generation Computer Systems Journal.
Demo panel discussions included:
Paper panel discussions included: