
INDIS 2020 Special Journal Issue: Cluster Computing

Many fields of science have been experiencing and continue to experience a large influx of data. Managing, transporting, and architecting systems, as well as building tools to deal with the delivery of these data have become increasingly important. Additionally, the ecosystem of information and communications systems is becoming more complex. Wide area networks are now an integral and essential part of this data-driven supercomputing ecosystem connecting information sources, data stores, processing, simulation, visualization and user communities together. Furthermore, networks are required to connect research instruments such as photon sources, and large visualization displays.

Networks for data-intensive science have more extreme requirements than general-purpose networks. These requirements not only closely impact the design of processor interconnects in supercomputers and cluster computers, but they also impact campus networks, regional networks and national backbone networks. The developments in network technologies are tremendous. Speeds of many hundreds of Gigabits and deep programmability of network infrastructure are now common. This enables a fundamentally different approach of integrating networks in supercomputing applications.

The INDIS 2020 workshop (, held virtually in conjunction with the Supercomputing Conference in November 2020, provided a venue for the exchange of ideas on the above topics.

For this special issue to be published in Cluster Computing: The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications ( related to the INDIS workshop, we encourage research papers that address one or more of the following network research challenges; and developments that are essential in the information systems infrastructure for the scientific discovery process. Participants to the workshop are invited to submit extended versions of their accepted papers. We also welcome new paper submissions on related topics.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Projected Timeline

Submission Guidelines

General Submission Information:

Extended Workshop Paper Submission:

Guest Editors